Privacy Policy |
MilSpaceA app is a follow-on project which developed from the original Takeahop signup server at takeahop.com The site and MilSpaceA app are meant for use by those who are affiliated with the U.S. Department of Defense and wish to utilize space-a travel.
The original takeahop signup server was created in the early 2000's as a convenient method to sign up for U.S. DoD space-available travel. The follow-on project, MilSpaceA app, serves enhances signup functionality as well as local area information. The development and maintenance of MilSpaceA app is effort of personal commitment. The takeahop signup server was patterned it off Roy Buckman's original space-a signup server. It is an honor to follow in his footsteps. This website uses cookies in order to make the experience better. I highly respect the privacy rights of everyone using MilSpaceA app. Your personal information resides on your own device. It won't be knowingly be shared with anyone other than the terminals and e-mail recipients that you personally select. After confirming your signup request, e-mails are generated on your own device and within your own e-mail account. Be aware that your space-a signups (just like your own personal e-mail messages) are sent over OPEN communications channels. Do not use any website or MilSpaceA app (or even your own direct e-mail account) to sign up for space-a if you are concerned about sending this info via the Internet. You agree that you will not hold me liable for any action for anything to do with this free service. This policy may be updated at anytime. If you continue to use MilSpaceA app, you're agreeing with the most current policy displayed here. By utilizing MilSpaceA app, you accepting these conditions and agree to this policy. 18 Jun 2020 |